Friday, August 29, 2008

On a more positive note

I have decided that I think what I need to do is start having a positive attitude. Having twins is hard!!!! but I think I need to start focusing on the positive and enjoying each second in life. I find that I am harping on the negative and wishing precious seconds away.

Sometimes I am so caught up in scrapbooking and capturing the moment that I don't realize that I am missing the perfect moment, the great moments. I think this is my lesson for a while. Learn to just stop, let everything else go, and enjoy what my husband and I have created.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

My First New Post

I have been reading so many blogs lately that I have been inspired to create my own. I think that it will be a wonderful thing for Ava & Jake to look back at. I attempted to start a journal but that did not work out. I am thinking about my title and although it sounds negative, I think its real. Having twins is hard! It's something that tests your endurance and your patience. It's wonderful as well and when you think about the fact that you have 2 special human beings as opposed to one it leaves you in awe.

Before I continue, I should introduce myself. My name is Patricia. I am 28 years old. I used to be a 3rd grade teacher. But most importantly I am the mother of twins, Ava & Jake, 14 month old beauties. My pregancy, which was my first, was normal up until my standard 18 week ultrasound when they discovered there were two as opposed to just one. My reaction, very happy and SHOCKED. Well 2 weeks later due to a disappering cervix, I had a cerclage and was on bedrest till the end. I had Ava & Jake at exactly 35 weeks when my cerclage was removed and everything went smoothly.